Wednesday 26 August 2009

A Life in the Sticks

I know, I know its been like forever since I last blogged but for the most part I have a good excuse, it goes something like this........

After staying with the in-laws for quite sometime since moving to Canada we had got pretty well settled over here obviously there comes a time when a child should leave their parents home especially the second time round! So Tara had been looking and found a house that she thought would be perfect for us to rent and me being me I let her go ahead and look at it and sign up for it without even looking at it, trusting her judgement. I did get to see it briefly in the dark one night before we moved in.
Its a nice little farmhouse out in the county and its address is listed as Harrow, it is outside of the blink and you miss it town though. Once we moved in we realised that things you come to take for granted like TV, Internet, phone and Timmie's are not as common place as one would think.

No cable out here so you can have satellite but not wanting to pay or get locked into contracts with TV we gave that a miss and I installed an outdoor antenna which gets us most the channels we watched anyway. No Internet was a different ball game altogether, It seems its dial-up you can get or again get locked into a long contract with some random ISP. We decided to leave it and make sure we explored all the options open to us, this lasted a few months and although we both used the net on our phones it is not really the easiest way to browse and communicate. So with the price reduced a little with one of the random providers we got xplorernet installed. So far not so good on speed tests I have carried out I have it to be slower than dial up even though for the first month you are forced to pay for their fastest package! What does this mean? well it means that the desired package we want could possibly be even slower if they don't push through the same amount of bandwidth once the first month is over!!! Tara has contacted them and they gave some lame excuse about fixing towers in the area and extended the 1 month get out clause until September. Hopefully the speed does get better because there is no way I am going to pay over the odds for Internet to be given a really slow service for 3 years! So we wait and see whats going to happen and they better not try charging full price for this poor service either!

You see good excuse!

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