Friday 28 November 2008

Thanks giving bye Christmas Hi!

Well we just celebrated American Thanks giving yesterday with turkey dinner No.2 so now its time to get fully focused on Christmas. This will be our first year not planning our traditional festivities, I love Christmas and all it brings. You just can't beat hearing the Salvation army brass band playing carols out in the street, in the shopping centres or in Church. Warm mince pies and cream or custard, Finger food and shloer, friends and family over as much as possible, Church on Christmas morning. Decorating the tree, the inside of the house the outside of the house, the garden, wherever. Oh and Turkey dinner, who can not enjoy the spreads of Christmas? Turkey, spuds, veg (especially sprouts) sausages and the ever so very important stuffing!! My tummy is rumbling away now!!
The big problem for me this year will be being organised early for my family/friends at home. i reckon I should have already sent out greetings and the like. (note to self, do that this weekend)

Hopefully enjoying a new version of Christmas preparations will give me lots to write here and hopefully I find time to write about it. Well I need to go rest now as I have had a migraine all day at work and I have to help my sister-in-law move house tomorrow and the Manchester derby on Sunday, so yet again no lie-in this weekend. Oh the joys of Canada!

Friday 21 November 2008

Settling in.

OK things are pretty much settled here right now. So far no complaints but there my be some in the future but I don't have to worry about something I don't know.
We made the decision that we would benefit from 2 cars so that Tara can pick up work easier as there would be no constraint on waiting for me to get home from work. So we went looking, now I'm a fan of the Ford F-150 pick-up and would have liked one of those with the quad cab but at the minute there is no real need at all for back bed. So we happened upon a 2002 Ford Explorer which has seven seats and rides almost like a truck perhaps a little lower. It is a 4wd beast with 4 litres of engine and at best I can hope to get 20mpg thank goodness Gas has just gone under the 80c mark. The car is like most other Chelsea tractors. Next update I Hope to perhaps add a video of it.
So now I am used to the food and getting used to the cars what could possibly be next?

Tuesday 11 November 2008

A time to reflect

November 11 @ 11am

This is a traditional time for many people to take time and remember people who have fought in battles over the years to ensure our freedom. We may not agree with many of these wars but the fact that their are many men and women prepared to go to the front line to defend us is something we should never forget.

Many people have paid the supreme price in this cause and died whilst in service. This should never be forgotten and even though for many November 11 is just another tradition I think it is important that people are reminded of what has been done for them.

In many ways this service was very similar to what we would find at home in Northern Ireland. A parade of colours followed by a Pipe band and then many local groups. Now here are possibly the main differences. The local priest said a few words and prayed and then we had a 3 gun salute. just a couple of things which may not have gone down to well at home!

Never Forget!

Sunday 2 November 2008


It's been a while since I updated this blog not really because I have nothing to say but I was formulating my new video blog and still have not got round to making it yet. So I thought I should give you a general update instead.

OK I worked nights last week in my job, we had to remove an old roof from the local whiskey factory. The thing is that removing the roof is done during the night and I believe that night is the time God intended us to sleep not work but nevertheless I went and did my bit, 10 hours night shift of manual heavy labour. Now from doing the job all week I have concluded that this is exactly the kind of work that you imagine criminals should be doing once they have been given their prison sentence.. Seriously I reckon this is exactly the kind of hard labour in chain gangs they should be doing. Now I don't mind riding the little dump trucks across the roof but lifting hundreds of squares of cut up fibreglass/felt/pitch is just nasty and that pitch dust burns!
But my not being one to complain I'll just muddle on and get on with it for now. Hopefully that job that would be more rewarding will come along in due course.

Tara has got a few hours with a company called 'Nurses next door' hopefully this will lead to more hours but things in this field of work seem to take forever to get moving like another company 'Christian Horizons' have been in contact with her since before we left Norn Iron and they have given her an interview on Nov 14 and they think this is normal oh and that's only the first interview after that they ask you for another so maybe she might get a job with them before Christmas but I wouldn't hold my breath.

The kids are settling well. Bekah and Gaby are getting used to school and singing 'Oh Canada' every morning. Both seem to be enjoying school as much as they ever did, so that means Bekah loves it and Gaby hates it. So things are good. Hope is Hope happy as Larry (whoever he was).

The in-laws have headed of on Vacation for 3 weeks today. Driving down to Florida. so we have the responsibility of keeping everything together here in Belle River. We have been given all our instructions so we should be fine.

Oh and the kids went Trick or Treating on Friday. Now I wish we had this level of professionalism in handing out candy to kids at Halloween. If they outside lights are off you don't go to the house. As it was such a nice night most people in our sub division sat with their garage doors open handing out the treats.
Now we only let are kids go to the houses in our street and they still managed to fill a carrier bag full with goodies. Crazy, some kids seem to make to come from all around the county filling pillow cases with junk. Our kids are still high on sugar.
You should also see the level of decoration that now goes on with house illuminated with lights and pumpkins and gardens turned into graveyards. CRAZY!!

Think that'll do you for now!