Monday, 19 January 2009

Just an update

OK so the last half of last week it got pretty cold around here. -18°C and with wind chill we had been getting as low as -30°C. Now by any ones standard that was pretty cold. So when I was out on Friday night I called Tara and she was telling me Gaby was investigating the effects of the cold. She asked a couple of days previous what happens when you touch your tongue to metal when it is freezing, Tara told her your tongue will stick to it. This answer however did not seem to be enough for Gaby and she wished to investigate more. So when they were coming in on Friday Gaby licked the door handle thus welding her tongue to the metal. Obviously then she knew the answer but not the cure, So as Tara's hands were full and she did not tell her to wait until she got warm water Gaby pulled her tongue off. Of course now you have lots of crying and a bloody tongue. Now was she settled she was very annoyed as they had just come from Timmies with hot chocolate and a donuts which she could not drink or eat. She is now fine and eating donuts again. She still insist that this was an accident and that she slipped and fell into the door handle with her tongue. Yup just as I thought! who doesn't use their tongue to break their fall when they slip?

Sorry no photo's as Tara is not as snap happy as me.

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