Tuesday 21 October 2008

Its a hard life!

Well things are starting to settle down a bit the kids have been in school for just over a week and are getting used to it. I have been in work (well whenever they actually have work) for the same time. So far nothing bad to report. Tara is still looking for a part time job so hopefully she gets something she wants soon.
Just finished watching Man u beating Celtic so life is good!
Also received a Northern Ireland sticker via Millisle for my car. so i can report that if you post something using Royal Mail to our old house it gets sent redirected mail to Canada and all the price of a royal mail stamp.
news just in the Door I have received my Beanie from Surf Mountain but no jacket yet so I hope that arrives before any heavy rain does.

I am working on my next video blog at the minute so hopefully that will be ready by this weekend.

Today's Blog was brought to you by the Letter C and the Number 6..... oh that reminds me I have a new Canadian Cell phone number which I did text the number to folk back home. If you have not received a text I have not forgot about you I just think that I sent it to the wrong number because I forgot to change the numbers correctly. So please email me and ask for the new number!

Thursday 16 October 2008


Well I know I was meant to provide another video blog of the Thanks giving meal but i was too busy eating it to make videos about it. I have final realised why I moved to Canada.... You start eating Turkey dinners in October!! (I sense a food theme running through my blog, some people will think all I do is eat!(I'm just trying things out honest))
OK well the kids started School this week on Tuesday. They said they enjoyed it, then Gaby Cried and screamed the next morning about not going back but that nothing new she did that at home too. I started work on Tuesday too, Hard day1 We went to the site waited for 2 hours for a delivery which didn't come so me and the other new guy got sent home and the rest of the day turned out to be great. So I started proper work yesterday it is really quite basic simple labouring. it is good simply from the point of view it gets me into construction of sorts here so I can learn some things. The foreman seemed to be impressed by my work and I honestly didn't do anything other than do as he said. He told me I was good but I'm not sue if he does that to try and make sure you come back the next day. Well day 2 today was much of the same for the first part of the day but later in the day we had to cover the roof in stones, so I wheel barrowed I dunno how many tons of stone up and down the roof which was heavy work but again nothing but a heavy days work nothing complicated. I expect tomorrow to be much the same so hopefully i don't have to work Saturday to give my muscles a break as its been a while since I did full time manual work, the benefit hopefully will be I lose the weight I put on sitting behind a computer for 9 months!
OK its time to put the kids to bed and sit and watch TV and experiment on some new snack foods!! d:o)

Friday 10 October 2008

Video Blog Food Part 1

As a tribute to Thanks Giving weekend Canada I will be making a couple of video blogs on Traditional and less Traditional Fare.

Here we have the Traditional Sized snacks.

Thursday 9 October 2008


it's off to work I go!

After a week long drive of handing out my resume and looking on the net for job opportunities I sent my resume to a roofing company. There was not much detail on the ad it just said general labourers (5). So I decided that I was general enough enough to fit the bill. The ad said hand your resume in person or fax it. So not wanting either of those options I called them up and spoke to someone to get a suitable email address and for them to fully appreciate the charm of the Ulster accent. Anyway I sent it in and then headed out into the mildness of fall in Windsor, when we got home there was a message from Mike Raugh (head buck cat) of Raugh roofing. He left a number for me to call him back so I was about to do that this morning when the phone rang and it was him again (my resume is THAT impressive) so he told me that I was more than qualified for this general role and that the pay was low. As I am more interested in getting some experience over here that did not deter me and I said "nay ballher" (no problem to any foreign or native reader) So Mr. Raugh has asked me to come in tomorrow morning for an intro to watch a DVD and answer some questions for legal reasons. Hopefully I can bounce some questions off him and see what all is involved and all those other questions anyone sensible would ask.

So I took a wee drive down today to make sure I can find the place OK and I did so there is another bonus.

For a special surprise my next update on the blog will be a video due to popular demand and the fact some of my loyal fans back home struggle with reading.

Sunday 5 October 2008

The way of Life

Well we have been i n Canada a week today and I would like to share some observations which I have known for ages but it is only when you are living here that it actually means anything.

I had a drive around the county yesterday going to such far flung places as Leamington. Firstly the speed limits seem a little on the low side if you compare it the speeds we are allowed to drive back home on country roads. Over here you quickly feel like you are not going very fast even though you are on a big open straight road. Turning right on a red light is good no need to wait for lights if the way is clear. Then you have such things as all-way stop signs everywhere for no apparent reason, I can understand it a little if it was for traffic calming in built up areas but you do still tent to get them out in the county a bit. It would be much easier if like at home one side 'Gives way/Yields'.
then there is the price of provisions we went into a store and I remember many years ago when I started coming to North America things where about the same in dollars as they were in pounds, so that would always have made things roughly half the price. Now as I look around everything is double the price in dollars, so that really makes it about the same price as we are used to paying back home. There are a few things which still seem to be very/ cheap like pop.. On sale you can get 12 tins (which are bigger than at home) of the Coke family for $4.29 (2.15) or 24 tins for $4.99 (2.50) or water 12 bottles for 99cents. Eating out on the whole is much cheaper and much more pleasant experience. McDonald's and the likes have crept up in price and in general are getting close to home prices but you get more junk for you buck!

I was trying to open a bottle of power ade last night and I don't think I had the required level of education to do so. First there was a plastic seal around the lid once I got that cracked I went for a slug only to find the crafty folk here had put another seal under the lid. Now we can see wasteful packaging in action. Never going to save the planet with all this waste!

so go get a piece of land and start growing your own. Carrots, onions pumpkins, beans, lettuce, bread and the likes and perhaps some day you might strike oil too!

Friday 3 October 2008

Got wheels will travel!

Ok the settling period continues unabated. More paperwork is getting filled in and we are starting to intensify the job search. So the next logical step is to get some kind of motorised vehicle. So Tara came back last night to say she had found a cheap and cheerful car on the local car lot, we went down and had a look and I think it is a Chevy cavalier of the 1999 variety and probably the only one in existence in North America that is a manual which means I will be gear shifting with the wrong hand and driving on the wrong side of the road. Ontario be afraid be very afraid! I think we might be getting tonight after it has been 'Safetied' lowered some big rims and possibly some flames up the side....well maybe not be the safety has to be done.
So it has been almost a week since we lift the Emerald Isle and it is still impossible to say how the transition is going mainly down to the fact that we are living in a familiar area and of course in a familiar house with family around us. I hope that because of these reasons that things will continue as they are now as far as not feeling too stressed out but I'm sure there will be stressful times ahead in the not to distant future but lets remember Matthew 6:34 "Do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about its own things. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble."