Thursday 16 October 2008


Well I know I was meant to provide another video blog of the Thanks giving meal but i was too busy eating it to make videos about it. I have final realised why I moved to Canada.... You start eating Turkey dinners in October!! (I sense a food theme running through my blog, some people will think all I do is eat!(I'm just trying things out honest))
OK well the kids started School this week on Tuesday. They said they enjoyed it, then Gaby Cried and screamed the next morning about not going back but that nothing new she did that at home too. I started work on Tuesday too, Hard day1 We went to the site waited for 2 hours for a delivery which didn't come so me and the other new guy got sent home and the rest of the day turned out to be great. So I started proper work yesterday it is really quite basic simple labouring. it is good simply from the point of view it gets me into construction of sorts here so I can learn some things. The foreman seemed to be impressed by my work and I honestly didn't do anything other than do as he said. He told me I was good but I'm not sue if he does that to try and make sure you come back the next day. Well day 2 today was much of the same for the first part of the day but later in the day we had to cover the roof in stones, so I wheel barrowed I dunno how many tons of stone up and down the roof which was heavy work but again nothing but a heavy days work nothing complicated. I expect tomorrow to be much the same so hopefully i don't have to work Saturday to give my muscles a break as its been a while since I did full time manual work, the benefit hopefully will be I lose the weight I put on sitting behind a computer for 9 months!
OK its time to put the kids to bed and sit and watch TV and experiment on some new snack foods!! d:o)

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