Sunday 5 October 2008

The way of Life

Well we have been i n Canada a week today and I would like to share some observations which I have known for ages but it is only when you are living here that it actually means anything.

I had a drive around the county yesterday going to such far flung places as Leamington. Firstly the speed limits seem a little on the low side if you compare it the speeds we are allowed to drive back home on country roads. Over here you quickly feel like you are not going very fast even though you are on a big open straight road. Turning right on a red light is good no need to wait for lights if the way is clear. Then you have such things as all-way stop signs everywhere for no apparent reason, I can understand it a little if it was for traffic calming in built up areas but you do still tent to get them out in the county a bit. It would be much easier if like at home one side 'Gives way/Yields'.
then there is the price of provisions we went into a store and I remember many years ago when I started coming to North America things where about the same in dollars as they were in pounds, so that would always have made things roughly half the price. Now as I look around everything is double the price in dollars, so that really makes it about the same price as we are used to paying back home. There are a few things which still seem to be very/ cheap like pop.. On sale you can get 12 tins (which are bigger than at home) of the Coke family for $4.29 (2.15) or 24 tins for $4.99 (2.50) or water 12 bottles for 99cents. Eating out on the whole is much cheaper and much more pleasant experience. McDonald's and the likes have crept up in price and in general are getting close to home prices but you get more junk for you buck!

I was trying to open a bottle of power ade last night and I don't think I had the required level of education to do so. First there was a plastic seal around the lid once I got that cracked I went for a slug only to find the crafty folk here had put another seal under the lid. Now we can see wasteful packaging in action. Never going to save the planet with all this waste!

so go get a piece of land and start growing your own. Carrots, onions pumpkins, beans, lettuce, bread and the likes and perhaps some day you might strike oil too!


Wendy said...

hmmm cheap pop and junk food. Noticed in difference in the size of north americans vs. europeans?

Donny said...

yes I have but didn't want to be too rude as I have only just arrived!