Friday 3 October 2008

Got wheels will travel!

Ok the settling period continues unabated. More paperwork is getting filled in and we are starting to intensify the job search. So the next logical step is to get some kind of motorised vehicle. So Tara came back last night to say she had found a cheap and cheerful car on the local car lot, we went down and had a look and I think it is a Chevy cavalier of the 1999 variety and probably the only one in existence in North America that is a manual which means I will be gear shifting with the wrong hand and driving on the wrong side of the road. Ontario be afraid be very afraid! I think we might be getting tonight after it has been 'Safetied' lowered some big rims and possibly some flames up the side....well maybe not be the safety has to be done.
So it has been almost a week since we lift the Emerald Isle and it is still impossible to say how the transition is going mainly down to the fact that we are living in a familiar area and of course in a familiar house with family around us. I hope that because of these reasons that things will continue as they are now as far as not feeling too stressed out but I'm sure there will be stressful times ahead in the not to distant future but lets remember Matthew 6:34 "Do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about its own things. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble."

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